Helt sjukt...
Jag förstår mig inte på mig själv ibland. Mitt hjärta började hoppa runt i kroppen på mig på grund av en viss grej och jag blev alldeles skakig. Jag fattar inte varför jag inte bara kan gå vidare och skita i vissa saker. Det är inte värt det, jag förtjänar så mycket bättre. Jag fattar inte att mitt hjärta bankar så hårt när jag egentligen bara vill glömma.
I don't want to feel this way anymore, I want to move on. I will never feel good if I have this heartache all the time. I don't want to go around thinking and dreaming all the time. I just want to forget and find something else to think about. It is easy to say that I should forget, but it is so hard to do. I never wanted to be like this and feel this way. But I just can't help it, I can't do anything about it. Somehow the feelings are just getting stronger and taking control over me. I just don't want to feel like this. I hate myself for having these feelings, they just make me feel sad and hurts me over and over again.
Puss puss...
I don't want to feel this way anymore, I want to move on. I will never feel good if I have this heartache all the time. I don't want to go around thinking and dreaming all the time. I just want to forget and find something else to think about. It is easy to say that I should forget, but it is so hard to do. I never wanted to be like this and feel this way. But I just can't help it, I can't do anything about it. Somehow the feelings are just getting stronger and taking control over me. I just don't want to feel like this. I hate myself for having these feelings, they just make me feel sad and hurts me over and over again.
Puss puss...